This episode continued the Garou Knights vs Team Natsu fight once again. The episode brought us action, comedy but the episode was lacking in content.
Mira decides to join in on the fight when the situation looks to be a bit more serious when more enemies join in.

Contrary to my prediction, it was Mira that saved Wendy for the carnivorous plant, not Natsu, but he was still in a position to do so. When Mira used Satan Soul with her take over magic I noticed that it looks a bit different to how it used to look, coving a lot more skin and making her look tougher. I’m not really sure if I’m a fan of the change or not, but her forms have always been slightly changing in appearance so it was no real surprise.
The next part of the battle was a little confusing. One of the executioners uses paralysis magic through her ‘card magic’ and then brings up yet another carnivorous plant. This is simply a terrible battle strategy, when you consider they could actually be defeating their opponent when they are unable to move instead of giving them five minutes to think a way out of it. In the end it was Wendy that saved the day by using her healing magic to cure the paralysis caused by the cards and allowing them time to get away.

Natsu being the naturally over the top guy that he is not only destroys the hungry flower in front of him, but almost all of his surrounds as well. Rather conveniently everyone gets separated by the explosion into their own 1v1 battles. Although I’m sure the Garou each chose which opponent they wanted to fight. Putting that aside all the battles seems to be evenly split up with each of them facing opponents that are tough, but not undefeatable. That applies of course to everyone except for the last group consisting of Yukino, Lucy, Happy, Carla and a half dead Arcadios. Between them all they have no real fighting strength without their keys and Lucy’s whip isn’t going to solve this problem.

Realising that they are all pretty much screwed against Uosuke with no magic both Yukino and Lucy find themselves dangling above lava and slowly coming closer to their death. Now here is where the episode redeems itself. The half dead Arcadios picks himself up, driven by his ultimate goal and wades his way across the freaking lava to save Lucy and Yukino. The fact that something as messed up as this is in a show like Fairy Tail suggests that Hero (the author) understand that his audience is ageing with the show and he is changing his show to suit.

As far as predictions go, as Natsu said that at least one of Lucy’s celestrial spirits are capable of summoning themselves like Loki, so its not like they are entirely out of options just yet. I’m looking forward to seeing what becomes of Arcadios next week after being such a manly yet stupid bastard and walking though lava. I think we will see more of the tournament next week, and some sort of progression towards a resolution with the fighting against the Garou Knights.
I give this episode a 6 out of 10. Not much actually happened in this episode but we are progressing and the animation was well done as always.
- PandaSlayer
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