Wednesday 25 June 2014

Bleach Chapter 586 Review

So the good guys are being overwhelmed by the bad guys, so Ichigo comes to help, but the bad guys get straight out of there leaving Ichigo to do…. what exactly? Commence the Bleach Chapter 586 review!

Before I start going on about Uryu I’ll keep this review in order of the chapter itself and talk about the Soul Reaper vs Sternritter clash. As I mentioned last week, the Sternritter seem to have a bit of an ego problem. This was nicely dealt with when Rukia quickly dissipated Bazz B’s full on attack. In a very ironic move, ‘the Zombie’ shows herself  to be the brains of the operation, as she tells everyone to go Vollstandig immediately or else Ichigo is going to get away.

At this point everyone is charging at everyone and shit is about to be real. This is pretty much where this issue ended and we move onto the main interest of this chapter.

Todays chapter really created a lot more questions than it answered. The main question being, what is Uryu’s game? Uryu has been apart of the base group for a long time now and the first thing you would think is that Uryu’s agenda is either one of two things.
  1. Uryu is pretending to be a bad guy, going undercover until the last second where he back stabs the big boss
  2. Uryu has found a significant reason why he must destroy the soul reapers, e.g. Juha has a good cause, Soul Reapers did some messed up stuff to Quincies and Uryu wants revenge.

Personally I don’t think it is either of these things for the simple reason that Kubo never likes to keep things simple. Look at any arc in Bleach, everything will look simple and then it will be turned on it’s head at least once or twice, with everything perfectly falling into place. 
In order for Uryu to pose some sort of significant rivalry to Ichigo, he needs have power that is on par with Ichigo’s, which is quite realistic given power that was given to him by Juha. We also have to remember that because Uryu was the only Quincy alive, he had no idea how to develop his power. All the training he did was self improvised, and being trained by the Quincy god would help him to develop his power significantly.

Upon the continuation of Ichigo’s charge Uryu seemed to want to make a point to Ichigo by deliberately stopping Ichigo himself. The one thing I found hard to ignore was just how sad Uryu and Ichigo looked. I think to a degree Ichigo expected Uryu to try and find out more about his people, even if he found himself fighting against the people he cares about. If I remember correctly back in the Arrancar arc he stated: "my only goal is to protect my pride as a Quincy, my friends and the human race, everything else is a matter of similar interests". Take it or leave it, but Uryu is a pretty headstrong guy and I don’t think he would just abandon his words and values too quickly.

Uryu’s words “you cannot defeat his majesty” seemed to be words of protection, warning and assistance all at the same time. It is a strange situation and I don’t think we’re going to have the answer anytime soon. Enter Chad and Oriheme. Oriheme now showing 30% more boobs than ever before and Chad has now become so massive that he can’t find shirts that fit anymore. On a serious note, it seems that the both of them have been powered up, especially Oriheme. She can now project her power a significant distance away very quickly and the shield itself is much stronger and larger than before. Chad it seems, has just become more massive in general and now looks 30 years old, which I'm sure is not just for show. Oriheme and Chad share a similar situation to Uryu, their powers have never been developed by people who had the same powers themselves. Their powers are hollow based so they no doubt had some useful training in Hueco Mundo which helped to develop there powers and maximise their potential.
Next week we could be seeing some interesting developments going down. With Oriheme and Chad coming back we could be seeing Urahara and possibly Grimjow finally, but I wouldn’t get my hopes up. I give this chapter a 7/10, kept me interested, fantastic art as always, a bit light on content as always but satisfying none the less.
- PandaSlayer


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