Wednesday 2 July 2014

Bleach Chapter 587 – The Headless Star 6 Review

Although we have known for quite some time now that Uryu has sided with the Sternritters for Ichigo this is still a big deal and Kubo really tried to emphasize that this chapter as Ichigo continued to demand answers from Uryu but in the end came up empty. The ‘Light’ that Juha uses promptly takes him, Uryu and his right hand man right up into the sky and leaving behind a colossal explosion. Orihime saves Ichigo from his own stupidity and tackles/shield him from the explosion.

Kubo brought back the humour in this chapter along with the original characters, and personally I really enjoyed it. Seeing Chad throw Ichigo around like he was nothing and straight into a pile of rubble and quickly snapping Ichigo out of self pity.
Ichigo was never really the intelligent type, so with the help of Chad’s wisdom he makes up his mind that he’s going to kick Uryu’s ass regardless if he had a good reason to switch sides or not, funny how he didn’t do the same to Orihime in the Arrancar arc, although that may have been classified as Waifu abuse.

Enter Urahara and with him, the most interesting thing that happended in the chapter. Realising that they need to get back to the soul palace immediately Urahara says “Shall I get you a ticket to Reioukuu? Although it might take some time”…. This could mean many things since Urahara has always been such a mysterious character. The first is that Urahara has a natural way of getting into the soul palace similar to how he does with Hueco Mundo. His words ‘get you a ticket’ could infer that he has connections with the soul palace but also may not have the best relationship with these connections. It’s also worth mentioning that Ichigo didn’t really seem fazed by what Urahara said meaning that Ichigo either learning of this relationship before, or is just not surprised that Urahara is capable of such a task.

Kubo continues to pile on the comedy in the rest of this chapter as Rukia and Renji emerge from the rubble, showing themselves to be undamaged. Bazz-B appears and Renji and him instantly engage a battle of words and fists. From this point of the chapter to the end, the dialogue increased for the humour and it was honestly quite hilarious and good to see that Kubo can still write effective comedy back into serious moments. Things like Renji blushing after Bazz-B complemented on his eyebrows and a badass Sternritter getting personal about his hair cut was simply hilarious.
Bazz-B instantly goes to burning finger four creating a huge explosion, however I really don’t think this will be enough to take Renji down. We are most likely at the beginning of a 1v1 or 2v1 fight with Renji (and Rukia) and Bazz-B, which will most likely reveal more of Bazz-B’s power and fighting potential.

The chapter ends with Juha and friends all arriving at the soul palace, which I was honestly surprised about. It gives perspective as to how powerful Juha really is if he is confided at taking on the whole zero division and the soul king almost by himself. I give this chapter an 8/10 it was good, but in a different way this time, more old Bleach humour and bring back the original cast.


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