Wednesday 21 May 2014

Bleach Chapter 580

At the end of last weeks chapter the Bambi Slut Brigade (BSB) was introduced and despite Kenpachi being weakened. I figured that he or someone else would make quick work of them. I could not have been more wrong. I suppose because of Kenpachi’s nature of walking off damaging attacks. My own self lead me to believe that Kenpachi would be more than capable of taking out these opponents. I was wrong.
To give credit where credit is due, Kenpachi was still able to almost strike down one of them instantly in a blow that I’m sure would have been fatal or close to it.
This chapter was mainly introducing the members of BSB and their abilities, adding a lot more to them than I thought we were ever going to see.
The first girl is Sternritter T, ‘The Thunderbolt’ with possibly the most stripper name ever, Candice Catnipp. Although not particular fast or skilled in battle, she has exceptional raw power behind her attacks. Blowing away large areas of earth and people with no real effort at all.
The second girl is Sternritter G ‘The Glutton’, Liltotto Rampard. This girl is flat out disturbing, literally eating her opponents resulting in one of the biggest ‘I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING’ moments I’ve had in a long time.
The third girl, Sternritter P ‘The Power’, Meminas Macaron and Oriheme’s long lost cousin, appears to be incredibly powerful. Although I do not full understand her ability just yet, I believe it is the power to generate objects at will (think green lantern) and crazy physical strength.
The final girl Sternritter Z ‘The Zombie’, Giselle Jewel with the runner up for best stripper name, looks to be the weakest of the group. Her power is relatively straightforward, if her blood touches you, she can control at will. My guess is that she has some sort of regeneration ability in order to negate the effects of needing to spread blood everywhere all the time. The reason I say that she is weak is that the main power fighters (Ichigo, Kenpachi, Renji, etc) are simply too powerful, too fast and too smart to let themselves fall for a predictable trap. It will work well on large masses of the Soul Society, but not on any decent fighter.
Out of the group I would say that Sternritter T and P will be the ones to watch. These girls have a crazy amount of power available and seem to be no slouch at general combat either.
By the end of the chapter squad 11 has been completely eliminated and Kenpachi is lying on the ground unable to move. Keep in mind that he has yet to take off his eye patch, but that doesn’t really do him much good when he can’t physically take it off.
The chapter ends with a bright light appearing in the sky and looks like skull in appearance, similar to the symbol on Ichigo’s hollow mask. This will mostly likely be the entrance of another character. At the moment Byakua, Rukia and Renji are just walking around with nothing to do, so they are a possibility. There is also the possibly that it’s Yachiru since she is still currently missing. Not to mention her ‘monsters’ seem like hollows in nature. Ichigo has been falling out of the sky for around 6 months now, but I personally don’t believe it will be him. We really don’t need someone THAT over powered for this fight. My guess is that it is the group from wako mundo consisting of Oriheme, Chad, Grimjow and possibly Urahara. This would explain why they are falling from the sky and why the light is in the shape of a hollow mask. Also, people being teleported into another world then falling from the sky is pretty much trademark Urahara.
Kubo isn’t stupid, so spending ¾ of a chapter on introducing each member of BSB to then wipe them out with one OP character the following chapter would be a total waste. Regardless, I think this is going to be a much better match up than the previous fight. 
I give this chapter a 7/10, great art, introducing some promising characters and leaving us with another cliff hanger once again, but once again, a little more content would be nice next time.
- PandaSlayer


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