The episode begins with the announcement of the result of the Gray vs Rufus fight and Fairy Tail taking the lead in the tournament. The rest of the Guilds are not that far behind and many people still yet to go down, the results are still hard to predict. We see Sting resting against a wall not really worried about the results and still in shock due to the previous incident with killing his master and Lector’s supposed death.

We are then shown in a flash back that Minerva being the evil bitch she is decided to save Lector, but only to use him as a hostage of sorts. Her logic is that Natsu was able to defeat both Sting and Rouge due to his feelings towards his guild. She is trying to achieve a similar result by taking Lector away, but is kind of missing the point. Even though Fairy Tail does use the ‘power of feelings’ a little bit too much sometimes, it can logically make sense to a degree. Having clear focus of what you’re fighting for and why you’re doing it can help someone to concentrate better and wilfully push themselves past their usual limits.

The second half of the episode was mostly team Natsu vs the Garou nights. I say ‘mostly because it wouldn’t be an episode of Fairy Tail if there wasn’t any fan service would it? First Lucy gets stuck in the crevice in the wall because of ‘two’ certain disproportional parts of her upper body area. Natsu of course ignoring the obvious and being the smooth operator that he is says that she’s obviously gotten fatter, and then pulling her out.

The next part was of course the gold. You see, in Fairy Tail maximum fan service must be achieved no matter what the laws of physics might say. As somehow Natsu pulling Lucy out of the wall turns into her sting on his dam face….. damit it Fairy Tail, children watch this show…

ANYWAY….. I had to laugh and then agree with Natsu when the Garou Knights were introduced and Natsu laughs at them. All of them dressed like clowns and were not particularly intimidating for people who are supposed to be executioners.

Natsu and Wendy just go straight into the battle in a two vs two battle, and for the most part seem even in strength. Although I do think this was due to Natsu’s lack of attention and not taking them seriously. The group is naturally out numbered with only four capable fighters, one of which is Lily who has a time limit on his transformation time.
The episode ends with Wendy getting tricked by some illusion magic and subsequently being ‘eaten’ by a carnivorous flower.
As far as episode predictions go, Natsu will punch said flower into orbit 10 seconds into next episode and rescue Wendy. The fight will most likely finish next episode but it is possible that the fight will be longer, as we have only seen three fighters abilities and I’m sure the strongest one is not one of them.

I give this episode a 7 out of 10. It was generally enjoyable and felt like a typical Fairy Tail episode. We had the important reveal of Stings new motive and Lector being alive. The remainder of the episode was mainly setting up for next episode.
- PandaSlayer
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