Wednesday 5 March 2014

Bleach Chapter 571

This week's chapter entirely focuses around Yachiru and V’s battle and it needed to, there was simply to much content to cover in the abilities to do otherwise. One of the first things revealed is how exactly V’s ability works. In short in can be broken down to three forms
  1.          his shape vanishes
  2.          his existence vanishes
  3.          he erases himself from his opponents memory

The interesting thing about his power is that he can attack while remaining invisible making him a very dangerous opponent. What was not mentioned or seen in the chapter was if he was able to attack while still remaining void from his opponents memory. I find it unlikely that this will be the case due to how unstoppable it would make him, but it is something to consider.

The reveal of Yachiru’s power before she even picked up her sword was shown in her natural fighting instinct. The natural instinct stems from her natural ability and most likely her time spent with Kenpachi. It makes a lot of sense that she would have significant fighting knowledge and instinct considering that she has watched everyone of Kenpachi’s fights since he picked her up.
An interesting thing to note about Yachiru is that Kubo has stated repeatedly in interviews that he had no real plans for Yachiru’s ability or power’s, most recently in an interview in Germany about eight months ago. Whether this is just another case of Kubo trolling or the fact that he really didn’t have any plans for her we don’t really know.
Yachiru then reveals her Shikai ability known as ‘Sanpo Kenjuu’, her sword is a copy cat attack in that the two monsters follow whatever she does making a triple attack. Sanpo Kenjuu also has the ability to never miss the opponent that it intends to hit. This ability alone makes Yachiru crazy strong, this is expressed even more at the very end of the chapter when it becomes very apparent that she has the upper hand.

Im also going to go out there and stay something a little bizarre and that is that I see a bit of hollow power in her ability. The two monsters look similar to hollows we have seen. The first looks like it has a physical hollow mask and the lower one could even pass for a miniature grand fisher. This wouldn’t really make much sense, but it is something to consider.
After seeing how powerful Yachiru is, it began to make a lot of sense why she is the Lieutenant. I always assumed that Yachiru became Lieutenant because Kenpachi said so, so that she would always be with him (and its not like anyone was going to argue with him were they?)
However, it seems that she has a significant amount of power to back up her position which is good to see.

I very much enjoyed this weeks chapter as it has delivered something that almost all Bleach fans have always wanted to see; Yachiru being a badass little girl. I noticed that Despite the fighting, I noticed that Kubo still payed special attention to the art and kept Yachiru’s adorable look about her, and thus she stayed the loli character of Bleach even when she showed off her badass powers.

Mr Predictions for the proceeding chapters would be that Yachiru, with the help of Isane will defeat V or at least beat him within an inch of his life and he then escapes somehow. Some very good chapter development this week and its good to see that Kubo still remains connected with his fans.  I give this chapter a solid 8.5 out of 10, very well done Kubo.


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