Wednesday 26 February 2014

Bleach - Chapter 570

The chapter of Bleach today mainly composed of two parts, the first being the ending of an enemy and the second being the introduction of a new enemy seemingly more dangerous than the last.Although we did not get fully see Rukia's Bankia in this chapter we did get some interesting information about it. The first is that Rukia posses a Bankia that a few risk=reward type of power. This is a good move of Kubo's behalf as it leaves more room for realistic unpredictably of Rukia's power. Byakuya also made a point of how Rukia should be careful with it and indirectly, saying that she should train her Bankai further in order to reach its full potential. It is also noticable how much ice there is around the area after her attack meaning one of two things.The first is that her attack created the sheer destruction due to nature of the power and how strong it is.The second is that Kubo is trying to show that Rukia has not yet fully mastered her Bankai and therefore she was not able to fully focus her attack.On an interesting not, prior to the battle it told a small amount of back story for As Nodt which gave me an unexpected amount of pity for the character that I have taken a strong disliking to ever since his introduction. It brought more meaning into his obsession with ‘fear’ specifically of death due to how closely he had come to it himself. Unfortunately I felt that this scene was important but misplaced. If this part of the story was placed back a few chapters ago, specifically were Rukia was speaking of her invulnerability to fear, I feel this would have brought more significance into his words and the nature of fear.
 The second part of the chapter featured Yachiru, Isane and a new Sternritter named ‘Guenael’ of the vanishing point or simply ‘V’. Before Guenael appeared, Yachiru said something interesting about Kenpachi. She said that it didn’t matter if she was doing something to assist her since that ‘he’ was not going to come back anyway. At first this baffled me a bit due to her lack of emotion and I made the quick assumption that it was just her nature to not draw in emotion even in extreme situations. However this is just not true, this is Kenpachi and Yachiru that we’re talking about, the same Yachiru that went into hysterics during the Soul Society Arc when she thought that Ichigo had killed Kenpachi. It reminded us all that although they are both a burtal pair, in the end they are a daughter and father whom are each other’s world. The two of them share a very strong bond and for that reason I believe she did not think she believed that Kenpachi is dead. I think what she was more referring to is that he will not be able to return, at least for a while due to how he has to places to go and people to kill.
The mention of him cause also be a hint by Kubo to his re-introduction into the story. This would be a good time to do so as the new enemy looks strong, not because of his destructive power but because of the sly nature of his ‘vanishing point’. I can think of no better way to reintroduce Kenpachi then to see him save Yachiru while cutting down a tough manipulative enemy like it was absolutely nothing. It simply to good to ignore.
 Overall this chapter was good but did leave me feeling unfulfilled in a few places. If I were to put a number on it I would give it a 7/10 making it a good chapter but not the best. Lets just hope for some seriously over powered Kenpachi madness in the next coming chapters.


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