Sunday 6 April 2014

Bleach chapter 575

The continuation of the Kenpachi vs Gremmy remains, but this time it steps it up a notch. The chapter introduces two new Sternritters that are watching from a distance and appear to be high ranking superiors that seem to be hanging back from the fight. At the moment they don’t really seem to pose a threat to anyone, most likely they are seen as needed in the battle and will remain until they are given the order. Both of these characters seem to be quite terrified of Gremmy, and speak of him as a monster that was kept locked up until now and for good reason.

I don’t think that this necessarily means that he is more powerful than them. I think this just means that he is unpredictable in nature and has little loyalty to anyone or thing. Although he may show he has sole loyalty to Yhwach later on (presuming he lives).

The best part of this chapter was the reveal of Gremmy’s rape face. I said this as soon as he was introduced as an opponent of Kenpachi, he was simply not scary, insane and powerful enough to be anything of a challenge for Kenpachi. But this chapter, all faith was restored. The fighting for the most part was simply a trading of blows with Gremmy’s attacks noticeably different from previous chapters. His fighting style was switched to a more direct and forceful fighting style. Upon this recent reveal of Gremmy’s ‘true self’ we have seen a bit more back story on Gremmy’s behalf. Gremmy reveals that he has never really faced someone who though they could compete against him and because of this he finds himself in a state of confusion. This is likely the reason for him remaining calm for the first part of the fight and it was only after fighting with Kenpachi that he realised that he was very different from anyone else he had fought before.

There are several things that suggest that this fight is about to become a lot more destructive and serious. Firstly Yachiru finally decides to high tail it out of there to go get her arm fixed, allowing Kenpachi to finally fight at full strength. Although it is interesting to note that he is still wearing his eye patch. The second thing to note is that even the Sternritter’s have decided to fall back from their current position, deeming it ‘not safe at the current distance’. The extent and limitations of Gremmy’s powers are not yet known so that could mean many things.

Overall this chapter was a nice development, its finally starting to feel like a Kenpachi fight, the whole focus is now on the two of them and nothing else and I presume it will stay that way until the fight is over. I give this chapter a 7 out of ten, a nice well rounded chapter.


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